One of my New Years resolutions from last year was to get out and explore more of the UK's beautiful villages and coastal towns it has to offer. I'm still trying to continue this resolution this year, even though I seem to have less and less time and the British summer has been pretty shocking!
One of the villages I recently had the pleasure of visiting was Long Melford in Suffolk. I didn't realise until I had got there that I had actually visited many years ago whilst at school for a visit to the famous Kentwell House. A large Tudor mansion where you get to dress up and see what life was like back then. I didn't go this time but I did visit Melford Hall, another stately home which is still inhabited by the same family generations on (blog post dedicated to the house coming soon!).

The prettiest department store I've ever seen! Unfortunately it was shut when I went on a Sunday.

Hollyhocks are such a lovely cottage garden flower, I collected a few seeds so hopefully next year I can grow some.

One of my future house options... ( I wish!)

Beautiful Doors of Melford

Melford Antiques and Interiors
I love discovering little antique and quirky shops on my travels and Melford high street has a few around. I popped into Melford Antiques and Interiors, 3 floors packed full of exciting finds from art to furniture from various dealers. I ran out of time but would love to go back and have a proper look, and even hopefully source some unique bits for any projects in working on.

I loved this table. It'd look great with some modern chairs around it, my photo doesn't really do it justice!

I couldn't leave empty handed, said this lovely wooden carved African mask made it home with me. (Excuse my foot!)