As a child my favourite thing about going back to to school after the holidays was buying new stationary. There is nothing like a fresh new set of pencils to get you rearing to go, + that still applies now! I decided to go a step further over the Christmas break + give my garden office re-design. 2018 turned out to be a rather busy year, I had chosen the paint colour months ago so I pleased to say I can finally tick this off my list!
I teamed up with Valspar paint who have a huge selection of paints, for both inside the home and out. They have Europe's largest range of 2,000 pre-selected colours + Valspar have countless combinations just waiting to be mixed for you in store. they also have a state-of-the-art colour matching technology can match over 2.2 million colours, all from a sample as small as a sugar cube. Perfect if you're creating a room scheme around that one essential accessory.
I wanted to brighten the garden office up again, as I had decided to paint it a dark blue before but felt a lighter calming colour suited the space much more. I chose to go with the rather lovely soft 'Sling your 'ook'.
Now I just get some exciting planning done for 2019!

[SPONSORED POST | This post was made possible by LSA. All words, thoughts + photos are my own + I only ever work with companies I love + think you will too!]